Vliyanie subkrioskopicheskoy temperatury khraneniya na kolichestvo vymorozhennoy vody v myase krupnogo rogatogo skota razlichnykh kachestvennykh grupp

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A comparative estimation of experimental and calculated methods to define the quantity of water frozen into ice in cattle meat at the storage temperature at the range from minus 1 оС to minus 30 оС offered by V.Zhadan, V. Latyshev, J. Nagaoka, L. Riedel, D. Rutov, and G. Chizhov was carried out. It was shown that the values of the portion of water frozen into ice defined by the J. Nagaoka’s formula were higher by 6-7 % as compared with the experimental values by L. Riedel at the range of temperatures from minus 1 оС to minus 30 оС. The difference between experimental data by L. Riedel and by V. Latyshev reached 5% at meat temperature decrease from minus 7 оС to minus 30 оС The values corresponding to the most reliable experimental data by L. Riedel for beef meat (cryoscopic temperature tcr = -0,95 оС) recommended by the IIR were described more exactly by the theoretical dependence offered by D. Rutov. Using this dependence the quantity of water frozen into ice at the temperature range from minus 1 оС to minus 4 оС in respect to NOR and DFD meat* was specified. It was established that when the difference of the cryoscopic temperature of these two kinds of meat was 0,3 оС the ice content in DFD meat at temperature minus 2,0 оС was higher by 13% as compared with NOR meat, and to provide the same 30% content of water frozen into ice in meat the storage temperature for NOR meat should be lower by 0,5 оC than the storage temperature for DFD meat.

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Copyright (c) 2016 Dibirasulaev M.A., Belozerov G.A., Dibirasulaev D.M., Orlovskiy D.E.

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