Tekhnologiya izgotovleniya vintovogo odnorotornogo kompressora na baze 3Dmodelirovaniya



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The application of additive technologies to manufacture working elements of a singlerotary screw compressor (VKO) at the stage of design and manufacturing is of topical problem. The clearances when a tooth clipper meshing with the central screw was optimized in order to reduce the leakage of compressible medium through the minimal permissible clearances. The methods were developed for 3Dmodeling of a rotor groove profile and a tooth clipper profile of a singlerotary screw compressor by calculation of coordinates of their surfaces using the Java language and SAPR “KOMPAS3D” design systems. The method developed for modeling working elements of a singlerotary screw compressor allows manufacturing a clipper with a tooth of circular shape that exactly follows the rotor groove profile. Ipso facto this improves energy and volume characteristics of a singlerotary compressor manufactured.




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版权所有 © Pronin V.A., Zhignovskaya D.V., Bozhedomov A.V., Semenov A.A., Minikaev A.F., 2019

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