Opredelenie tverdykh primesey v vozdukhe

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At present the pollution of atmospheric air is one of the major problems of the modern environmental situation in the world. The concentration of solid particles is often used as an indicator of the air pollution level. One of the methods of monitoring various admixtures in air is the accumulation of their ions in water. To this aim, deionized water is saturated with street air during 2 hours at 2 l/min flow rate. The experiment was conducted on October 27, 2019. Using the site https://earth.nullschool.net, the wind direction was determined, namely from the city of Monchegorsk, which is situated to north of the place of the experiment. The results of iron tests were obtained using the Shimadzu atomic absorption spectrophotometer and were 9 mg/m3. In the future, the comparative experiments are planned as well as the use of various adsorbents.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Sergiyanskiy E.V., Kazakova A.A., Nikolaev V.G.

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