Obzor metodov ochistki i osushki szhatogo vozdukha

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One of the major factors ensuring the safety and reliability of the operation of technological conditioning and life support systems, industrial and transport pneumatic systems is a strict adherence to a range of measures on air and gas preparation. The use of dehumidifiers is a mandatory requirement for modern systems. Since 2006 the international standard on the quality of compressed air ISO 85731:2010 (GOST R ISО 857312016) has been put to use in the territory of the Russian Federation; it tightened up the requirements for the quality of air preparation to be used in technological equipment. The paper examines such methods of compressed air dehumidification as condensation, adsorption, condensation using the cold of the environment as well as combined (hybrid) schemes, including the use of structured composite adsorption materials (CAM). The authors came to the conclusion about the possibility of using dehumidification methods characterized in this paper.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Podchufarov A.A., Zherdev A.A., Spirina A.N., Lavrinov D.A., Bytsenko E.M.

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