Osobennosti fizikokhimicheskikh, pozharovzryvoopasnykh svoystv ammiaka i pozharnaya opasnost' ob\"ektov zashchity, v kotorykh on ispol'zuetsya

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An overview of ammonia physicochemical fire and explosion hazardous properties reports that this gas has its own distinctive features to be taken into account when estimating the level of fire risks of the facilities, in which it is used. In the open air at atmospheric pressure, the burning of ammonia is relatively slow, and not accompanied by a sharp increase in pressure and sound effect. Due to this, the shock waves are not formed when burning ammoniaair cloud in the open area. So, the installations using ammonia and mounted outside are not related to explosive ones. In a confined space ammonia is burning quicker, and the gas pressure increases gradually. Therefore, the explosion in the premises is dangerous for people, equipment and building units. Emissions of gas, vapor and leakage of liquid NH3 are the greatest fire and explosion hazard when operating with ammonia. When ammonia is released, the mixture of the gas with air can vary in density from the formation of gasair clouds at density lower than air density to the floatability with exceeding air density depending on the discharge conditions. Refrigeration industry is the greatest user of ammonia. The work highlights the issues of fire safety and fire protection of industrial cold stores

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