Eksperimental'nye issledovaniya i modelirovanie protsessa zamorazhivaniya vlazhnogo grunta

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The results of the experiment and simulation of the process of wet soil freezing are presented. The comparison of the experiment and simulation gives satisfactory results. The initial temperature of soil is +20 °С. The temperature of stabilizer is constant and equal to -20 °С. The soil moisture is 0.2 kg of water per 1 kg of dry soil. The experimentally measured speed of movement of the freezing front of wet soil is 6.25 mm/day. The designing speed is 7.4 mm/day. The simulation was carried out on the basis of the differential equation of nonstationary heat conductivity written for a cylindrical wall under the corresponding initial and boundary conditions.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Dubinin A.M., Osminkina A.S.

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