Nauchnotekhnicheskoe prognozirovanie razvitiya tekhnologiy i tekhniki v otraslyakh APK Rossii

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At present the sixth economic structure, characterized by the use of high technologies, is being formed in the world. In this regard, the problem of organizing works on scientific and technical prognostication of technologies and equipment development in the sectors of agroindustrial complex of Russia is extremely urgent. The method of engineering prognostication is effective to solve this problem; it makes it possible to process different information sources including research and development materials, articles, dissertations, monographs, papers, patents etc. by transforming the qualitative description of an object into its quantitative estimation. Thanks to it the use of parametric and nonparametric information is possible when prognosticating. The methodical prognostication is based on the compilation of general identification tables the processing of which and subsequent calculation of the technical level of a technological or technical solution estimated will allow establishing the category of its availability. And so, the directions of the most appropriate development of equipment and technology as well as the vector of research and development may be defined, i.e. they may be predicted for the future.

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