Osobennosti raspredeleniya vysokomolekulyarnykh soedineniy v ledovykh strukturakh sportivnykh ob\"ektov kak odna iz zadach prikladnoy fiziki kristallizatsii

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This paper is continued the theme of the creation of modified ice coatings for sports application [1, 3, 4]. The results of experimental studies of the crystallization of ice with highmolecular compounds presents there at first. Analysis of the literature confirmed the absence of a complete analogy problem to be solved in such close areas like glaciology, cryobiology, desalination technology and metallurgy. A new method of visualization of the ice structures by introducing the dye particles confirmed the formation of polycrystalline ice hexagonal shape which is divided by intercrystalline space with high molecular compounds. Experimental studies stratified by mechanical separation ice packs and further chemical analysis of the melt allowed to determine the basic mechanisms of diffusion mass transfer during solidification and to receive the diagram of primary distribution of modifiers through the thickness of the ice formed massif at first. Molecular mass, structure of macromolecular chains and the surface activity of the input compounds have an effect on the characteristics of the distribution diagrams. Studies have confirmed the decisive importance of large macromolecules PTFE to ensure uniform distribution of modifiers in the depth of the array and confirmed the hypothesis of an agglomeration of possible impurities on them and their role as an additional «molecular» stage water purification. Keywords: solidification, heat and mass transfer, high molecular compounds, distribution diagram, ice coatings for sports application.

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Copyright (c) 2015 Goncharova G.Y., Ustyugova T.G., Razomasov N.D.

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