Ispol'zovanie metodologii issledovaniya energosberegayushchey sistemy na baze absorbtsionnoy bromistolitievoy kholodil'noy mashiny dlya krupnykh promyshlennykh ustanovok razdeleniya vozdukha

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In works published earlier was described the methodology elaborated in the ASTU concerning the research of an energy saving system based on the absorption lithium bromide refrigerating machine (ALBRM). The aim of the current work is the making of the energy saving system based on the absorption lithium bromide refrigerating machine for the nitrogenoxygen station (NOS) AK0,6. At the first stage the operation of the NOS AK0,6 was analyzed using the data of a production experiment during which the main working parameters of the system were measured in different seasons of the year. The next stage dealt with the development of the energy saving system for the NOS on the basis of the ALBRM, and it was based on the methodology created earlier taking into account the AK0,6 particularities, exploitation conditions and requirements to the product purity. According to the calculation results the ALBRM of the BROAD firm was selected that provided the energy saving regime of two air separation plants that were a part of the NOS. The works are being carried out on modeling the energy saving system to conduct a numerical experiment with the aim to estimate the energy saving NOS efficiency. Keywords: energy saving, air separation plants, oxygen, nitrogen, absorption lithium bromide refrigerating machine

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Copyright (c) 2016 Galimova L.V., Sedoykin I.E., Eremin A.S.

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