Povyshenie effektivnosti absorbera vodoammiachnoy kholodil'noy mashiny ustanovki sinteza ammiaka OAO «Azot» (g. Nevinnomyssk) s ispol'zovaniem poverkhnostnoaktivnykh veshchestv

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The trends of Improvement of efficiency of the absorber of the waterammonia absorption refrigerating machine using surfaceactive substances are examined. The method of research based on the works studying the absorption process using surfaceactive substances is sited. The degree of enhancement of the coefficient of heat emission from the solution to the refrigerated wall in the absorber at the presence of surfaceactive substances is defined. Based on the data of the production experiment the values of the concentration of the strong solution for the absorption process in the active apparatus were defined. The results of comparison of characteristics of the absorption refrigerating machine using pure apparatuses and the apparatuses using surfaceactive substances are cited.

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Copyright (c) 2016 Vedeneeva A.I., Galimova L.V., Kayl' V.V.

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