Uravnenie sostoyaniya khladagenta R32

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The structure of a single equation of state meeting the scaling theory of critical phenomena was based on the phenomenological theory of a critical point and Benedek’s hypothesis. In the framework of the approach offered to the problem a single equation of state for refrigerant R32 was developed in the range of temperatures 138...420 K. It was shown that at that approach not only a regular part of the thermodynamical surface and neighborhood of critical point but the region of metaequilibrium states of refrigerant R32 were described. The results of a thermal surface and isochoric heat capacity of state for refrigerant R32 were cited.

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Copyright (c) 2016 Rykov S.V., Kudryavtseva I.V., Rykov V.A., Poltoratskiy M.I., Sverdlov A.V.

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