Raschetnoe obosnovanie parametrov mikroklimata s zadannym urovnem teplovogo komforta

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The article analyses the issues of the calculation technique applicability for the predetermined level of thermal comfort in accordance with the requirements of ISO 7730. The air temperature as a function of humidity, speed, the radiation temperature difference was calculated for different values of metabolic and clothing thermal insulation rate. The results are given in tabular and graphical form as well as in the form of approximating polynomials. The calculations are performed for class B rooms. The range of expected thermal sensations is from «slightly cool» to «slightly warm» for the following ranges of parameters: the rate of metabolism 68-177 W/m2, clothing thermal resistance 0,108-0,202 m2·K/W, air velocity 0,1-0,7 m/s, relative humidity 20-80 %, radiation temperature difference -8…+8 °С. The dependences obtained for the parameters of the microclimate, providing a given level of thermal comfort, can be used to support energy efficient modes of operation of air conditioning systems.

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Copyright (c) 2017 Sulin A.B., Ryabova T.V., Ivanov S.V., Poddubnyy R.A.

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