Teploprovodnost' ineevogo krioosadka kak faktor, opredelyayushchiy teploperedachu v kamernykh priborakh okhlazhdeniya

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Frost formation on lowtemperature surfaces of heatexchangers is a process that reduces the efficiency of a number of refrigeration machines and devices. One of the most important parameters that affect the accuracy of mathematical modeling of the process of nonstationary frost formation is thermal conductivity of frost layer and its correlations. It is necessary for thermal and hydraulic design of equipment. The existing correlations of different researchers are correct in narrow ranges of temperatures and humidity; only a few of them are suitable for use in low temperature engineering. The correlations in the present work determine the thermal conductivity of the depositing frost layer, taking into account the effect of temperature on its structure. They are based on the correlations of the local thermal conductivity of frost from its local temperature and density and thereby increase significantly the accuracy of calculations of the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the frost layer in a wide range of temperatures for densities of the frost less than 300 kg/m3.

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