Rezul'taty analiza termodinamicheskoy effektivnosti sistem razdeleniya vozdukha s ispol'zovaniem absorbtsionnykh bromistolitievykh kholodil'nykh mashin

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The level of consumption of energy resources is the most important characteristic of industrial production, and it defines energy intensity and cost price of produce. The problem of reducing energy intensity may be solved using energy saving systems, in particular which are operating on the secondary resources. The result of the energy saving system operation consists in change of temperature drop values through the elements of the air separation plant. To define the degree of thermodynamic perfection of air separation plants and energy saving systems using the entropic and statistical analysis the calculation of specific work needed to compensate entropy generation in plant elements was carried out.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Galimova L.V., Sedoykin I.E.

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