Dvadtsat' let klinicheskoy ekspluatatsii otechestvennykh apparatov dlya obshchego krioterapevticheskogo vozdeystviya

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The paper presents the history of development of the method of a general cryotherapeutic impact on a patient to treat a number of diseases. At first, cryotherapeutic methods offered by Japanese T. Yamauchi were used when a scientific conception of these methods wasn’t elaborated yet, that led to some illfounded solutions. In particular, the method efficiency decreased by far caused by the replacement of nitrogen refrigerating systems by vaporcompression refrigeration at higher temperature. The definition of links between the parameters of a cryotherapeutic procedure, a temperature of cooling gas, a duration of a patient exposure to low temperatures and a positive effect reached to estimate which the duration of the analgesic effect (DAE) of the procedure was adopted, became the main scientific and practical task. The thermal theory of the method of the general cryotherapeutic impact that gives the possibility to calculate DAE and to give recommendations concerning the optimal temperature in the area of the cryotherapeutic impact is examined in the paper. The advantage of an individual scheme of the cryoprocedure application in comparison with a group scheme is shown. The problems of the equipment power consumption to conduct a total cryotherapeutic impact are considered.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Baranov A.Y., Shestakova O.A., Vasilenok A.V.

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