Kriosublimirovannaya voda, poluchaemaya v protsesse sublimatsionnoy sushki pishchevogo syr'ya

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The article deals with the features of the technology of producing and application of cryovacuumdried water obtained as a result of distillation of sublimated moisture of a food material from a working drying room to a desublimator. The composition of cryovacuumdried water is very different and depends on the kind of the raw material, conditions of growing etc. Water itself contains such admixtures as heavy metals salts , radionuclides, free radicals, nitrogen isotopes - deuterium (which is considered as the main index of water quality) and so on. They can’t be released by ordinary filtration. It is known that the process of digestion of water at high deuterium content by the organism needs great expenditure of energy. After digestion of this water as a result of biochemical processes less energy is released than after digestion of light cryovacuumdried water. The works of scientists proved that free and bound moisture in the interior of fruits and vegetables was light water at lower content of deuterium. The process of producing cryovacuumdried water doesn’t require the additional expenditure of energy, and water produced as a byproduct is especially of valuable properties. Cryovacuumdried water as a product containing lightvolatile components of initial raw materials and having light water quality with special physiological properties thanks to accelerated biochemical processes occurring in the organism after digestion may be used in a human specialized nutrition or as a raw material to produce products with special requirements to water (absence of undesirable inclusions, high indices of the composition of healthy substances). The analysis of the technological process of a cryovacuumdried water production has been carried out. The main advantages and appropriateness of using such water at lower deuterium content in industry and specialized nutrition have been shown. Some features of the technology and techniques used for a cryovacuumdried water production have been noted.


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