Razrabotka bystrogo spektrofotometricheskogo metoda identifikatsii myasa, zamorozhennogo v parnom sostoyanii ili posle okhlazhdeniya

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The initial thermal state of raw material impacts considerably on the meat quality and its mass losses at defrosting. When defrosting boneless meat pieces and blocks in vaporair medium differential conditions of defrosting are used depending on the methods of meat freezing (in freshkilled state or after refrigeration). A preliminary tempering of raw material is provided to defrost freshkilled frozen meat. Nevertheless up to now there is no method good for control to identify meat thermal state before freezing (freshkilled or cooled) during production. The authorsdevelopers describe in the paper the simple and quick method of identification of meat thermal state before freezing based on defining the optical density of extracts of free nucleotides obtained from meat at different thermal state. The base of identification of meat frozen in freshkilled state or after refrigeration is the determination of the composition and content of free nucleotides in frozen meat. The results of investigation of meat frozen in freshkilled state and after refrigeration obtained using two methods that were highperformance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and spectrophotometry, showed that there were no significant difference between data obtained by these two methods. The production control showed that the method elaborated might be used for distinguishing the meat thermal state before freezing. Keywords: frozen meat, meat thermal state, free nucleotides, high efficient liquid chromatography, UV spectrophotometry, optical density

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Copyright (c) 2015 Dibirasulaev M.A., Belozerov G.A., Arkhipov L.O.

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