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Besides the standard requirements to provide a given working temperature in the refrigerator body of a special vehicle used for the intercity transportation of perishable foodstuffs it is necessary to restore the temperature conditions maximally quickly after unloading of some part of perishable products according to the technological normative documentation. The specialists of the FGBNU VNIKHI have developed the method that defined the order of conducting heat engineering calculations of refrigerated heat insulated bodies of special vehicles to be used for the intercity transportation of perishables aimed to select the necessary refrigerating equipment to guarantee requiring temperature conditions. The article cites a simplified variant of the method of calculation of the constituents of the heat balance of the insulated body and the refrigerating capacity of the refrigeration system. This variant was obtained on the basis of the data of heat engineering calculations of smalland average capacity vehicles. Also it takes into account the impact of interior and exterior factors during the intercity transportation. Keywords: intercity transportation of perishable products, method of heat engineering calculations of refrigerated bodies.




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  5. Технический регламент Таможенного союза ТР ТС 021/2011 «О безопасности пищевой продукции».



版权所有 © Gryzunov A.A., Kornienko V.N., 2015

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