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Many industrial sectors require cooled water; each sector needs water at different degree of cooling; this cooling may be reached using different modes. The conventional methods are characterized by high consumption of electric power and some of them by unwanted effects on environment. This requires searching for alternative methods of cooling, between them the cooling of liquid drop substances using vacuum impact on them is of great interest. The paper gives the circuit diagram of the water vacuum evaporation cooling in the flow of finedispersed drops. A physical and mathematical model of the process of evaporation of liquid drops in vacuum in terms of the temperature difference on the drops surface and their core is presented. The mathematical dependence obtained allowed establishing the link between technical characteristics and thermophysical parameters of the equipment. The heat transfer from water to the surface of the watervapor division in the drop (towards the periphery of the drop) was estimated. The impact of the main parameters on the liquid cooling process was revealed.




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