Bezmaslyanyy turbodetander prirodnogo gaza na lepestkovykh gazodinamicheskikh podshipnikakh


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The paper describes an oilfree turboexpander for natural gas using leaf gasdynamic bearings designed for application in systems for natural or associated gas purification as well as for gas liquefaction. The turboexpander may be applied successfully in air separation plants. An original system of labyrinth sealing is offered, it ensures axial bearing unloading and so prolongs the turboexpander operating life, also it gives the possibility to regulate the mode of operation of the turbine stage at wide range of rotation frequency. The turbine setting is calculated using the real gas parameters that are typical for concrete gas fields; the expander model tests were carried out on an air test bench. A concise description of the test bench to run in the expander and the results of primary tests are cited. When carrying out research and development of this subject two dimensiontypes were offered: “little” and “large” series of expanders for different efficiency (from 600 to 4000 nm3/h) and capacity (13-88 kW).





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  2. Куликов Е.М. Воздушные холодильные установки с турбодетандерами на газовых подшипниках// Холодильный бизнес. 2009. № 1. С. 16-19.
  3. Паркин А.Н., Гальперин И.И., Поликарпов А.В. Перспективы повышения характеристик установок низкотемпературной переработки углеводородных газов путем применения высокоэффективных безмасляных турбодетандеркомпрессорных агрегатов// Материалы конференций, Москва, ЦВК «Экспоцентр» 27-28 октября 2015. - М.: Издво МГТУ им. Н.Э.Баумана, 2016. С. 29-31.



版权所有 © Shchedukhin S.I., Polikarpov A.V., Vikulov A.P., Zotov S.N., Rozenoer T.M., Kostenko A.A., Voronov V.A., 2017

Creative Commons License
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