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Vol 107, No 6 (2018)

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pages 6-12 views
pages 13-17 views

Vnedrenie energoeffektivnykh resheniy NPF «Khimkholodservis» v sovremennykh sportivnykh sooruzheniyakh

Tovaras N.V., Anan'ev S.N., Artemov I.M., Yarkov B.V.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(6):18-21
pages 18-21 views

Povyshenie effektivnosti raboty inzhenernogo oborudovaniya ob\"ekta roznichnoy torgovli

Pleshanov S.Y., Katraev M.Y.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(6):22-24
pages 22-24 views

Prirodnye khladagenty nastupayut

Shishov V.V.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(6):25-27
pages 25-27 views

Rossiyskie vozdukhookhladiteli CWC po dostupnym tsenam

Ivanov Y.V.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(6):28-32
pages 28-32 views
pages 33-37 views

Mirovoy rynok vozdushnykh konditsionerov i ego tendentsii

- -.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(6):38-43
pages 38-43 views

25-e obshchee (yubileynoe) sobranie Mezhdunarodnoy akademii kholoda

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Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(6):44-44
pages 44-44 views

Iz doklada prezidenta MAKh A.V. Baranenko

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Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(6):45-47
pages 45-47 views

Optimizatsiya tekhnologii bystrogo zamorazhivaniya ovoshchnogo polufabrikata s primeneniem predvaritel'nogo podsushivaniya

Shishkina N.S., Karastoyanova O.V., Shatalova N.I.


Frozen vegetable semifinished products are much in demand among buyers. The enhancement of production technology is aimed at quality and storage improvement of frozen products. Using predrying of vegetable raw materials before freezing allows removing a part of moisture from the intercellular space and preventing big ice crystals formation that damage the cellular structure and by that increase juice flowing out when defrosting. The authors have studied the technology of lowtemperature storage of predried blanched cut beet because a fresh beet loss rate at storage was high. The impact of vegetal raw material partial dehydration on quality and microbiological indices of quick frozen semifinished products was studied. It was established that products commercial quality may be improved by introduction of vegetable raw material predrying into the quick freezing technological process. This provides decreasing of volume mass of produce, reducing freezing time, and lowering required refrigeration capacity.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(6):48-54
pages 48-54 views

Novye patenty Rossii po kholodil'noy tekhnike i teplovym nasosam

Rukavishnikov A.M.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(6):55-60
pages 55-60 views

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