Issledovanie mikrostrukturnykh izmeneniy myasa KRS, zamorozhennogo v parnom sostoyanii i posle okhlazhdeniya, dlya identifikatsii sposoba zamorazhivaniya i prognozirovaniya «okocheneniya - ottaivaniya»

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Experimental studies have been carried out to determine the effect of the thermal state and various freezing and defrosting conditions on the microstructural changes in the meat of cattle frozen in the steam state and after cooling to identify the method of freezing and predict «thawrigor». It is established that the degree of reduction of sarcomeres can be used as an objective method to predict the occurrence of «rigorthawing» when defrosting meat. Based on the results of production tests, the Commission recommended a method for predicting the occurrence of «thawrigor», based on the histological determination of the length of sarcomeres, for inclusion in the collection of current instructions and shrinkage norms during refrigerati on and storage of meat and meat products.

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