Razrabotka trebovaniy pozharnoy bezopasnosti pri proektirovanii promyshlennykh kholodil'nikov

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A final version of the project of the set of rules (SR) “Industrial cold stores. Fire safety requirements” as a uniform standard document containing the requirements of fire safety as regards to the industrial cold stores taking into account the requirements of Federal Law № 123FZ “Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements” and other normative documents was formulated. The fire safety requirements and fire protection of the industrial cold stores in these documents were analyzed. The analysis revealed some faults in the documents as well as that some normative documents are not concordant each with other. Based on the critical analysis executed a final version of the project of the SR was prepared. In it for the first time a classification of the industrial cold stores according to two indices was offered: the group of a refrigerant used in the refrigerant supply system of the cold store and the area of a fire compartment. It was offered to determine on the territory of the industrial enterprises the distance from the cold store to the neighbor buildings and constructions taking into account not only the grade of fire resistance but the group of a refrigerant used in the building. The data on areas of the stages between fire separations within a fire compartment depending on the grade of fire resistance and the category of constructive fire safety as well as on the category of a building as regards to constructive flammability and fire safety were specified. Also the data on application of automatic plants of firefighting (APFF) and fire alarm (APFA) taking into account the intended purpose of the premises of the cold stores and their areas were presented. The requirements for methods and fire extinguishing means were examined as well.


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Copyright (c) 2015 Vogman L.P., Zuykov V.A., Il'ichev A.V.

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