Sistema vozdukhoraspredeleniya cherez ploskie sopla v kamerakh okhlazhdeniya myasnykh produktov

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A system of air distribution through plane nozzles is offered. This system is related to the channel systems that are applied in chambers for meat products cooling after thermal processing. The up position of distributive canals for air supply and removal is foreseen. Among traditionally applied systems the most perfect are the systems at top cooled air supply through round cylindrical and conic nozzles where the air movement in the chamber working zone is organized as a reverse flow. But such systems demand high energy inputs due to high losses of air head in distributive devices. The system of air distribution through plane nozzles is characterized by decrease of energy inputs and more uniform distribution of air. The method of engineering calculation of the system is examined. The method foresees the calculation of the main characteristics of the system, a thermal design and an estimated aerodynamic as well as the calculation of technical and economic indices at air speed change from 0,5 to 2,5 m/s. On the base of the calculation method offered and investigations carried out it was established that the system of air distribution through plane nozzles was characterized by the air speed change in the working zone of the cooling chamber that didn’t exceed 20 % (±10 % of given value) and the temperature change didn’t exceed 2,8 оС (±15 % of given value). These changes show that the system provides uniform conditions of products cooling product quality preservation and reduction of energy inputs. Keywords: system of air distribution in chambers of meat products cooling, plane nozzles, method of calculation of air distribution system, uniform products cooling.

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Copyright (c) 2015 Malova N.D., Murzin S.Y.

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