Tekhnologiya zamorazhivaniya vodonasyshchennykh granul sfericheskoy formy

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The freezing spherical watersaturated granules using the negative temperature air blowoff of their surface was examined. A generalized equation for calculation of the frozen layer thickness of the spherical watersaturated granule depending on the duration of the process was derived. The experimental bench and the method of the research carrying out were described. The experimental data were compared with the calculated indices obtained on the basis of the generalized process equation. A construction arrangement of a cold accumulating watercooling tower that uses the negative temperatures potential of the ambient air to accumulate water ice was offered. The results of the research may be used when designing the cold accumulating watercooling towers. Keywords: spherical granules, water ice accumulation, electric power saving, lowpotential energy source, cold accumulating watercooling tower, negative temperatures, ice water, phase transition.

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Copyright (c) 2015 Marinyuk B.T., Serenov I.I.

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