Vliyanie biokontrol'nogo shtamma B.subtilis ch13 i ego mutantnogo tipa na pokazateli kachestva kartofelya pri kholodil'nom khranenii

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A mechanical injury of potato tubers at harvesting leads to affection of them by phytopathogen microorganisms that causes big losses during storage. Using biological protection (bacteriaantagonists) immunizes the tuber cells and so has a positive influence on the process of wound reparation of potato. The paper cites the results of studies of the influence of the B.subtilis ch13 biocontrol strain and its mutant type that is resistant to antibiotic, on F.solani potato quality during cold storage. The activity of wild and mutant types as regards the main infection diseaseproducing factors during cold storage was defined. It was shown that the potato treatment with cultural liquid based on B.subtilis ch13 wild and mutant types didn’t provoke significant changes in biochemical processes behavior such as respiration intensity, change of starch content, change of ferments activity during cold storage. The biocontrol properties of wild and mutant type strains were verified concerning a provocative of potato vascular wilt. The data obtained in vitro showed that the biocontrol impact of wild and mutant types was most expressed at strain pathogen ratio 8:1. The treatment of potato with strains studied may be recommended to increase the tubers resistance to infectious deceases during cold storage.

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Copyright (c) 2016 Kolodyaznaya V.S., Vasil'eva O.R., Nagiev T.B.

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