Dekorirovanie kak metod izucheniya struktury i teplomassoperenosa v modifitsirovannykh ledovykh massivakh

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The possibilities to apply different decorating compounds with the aim to study the ice structure and the heat and mass transfer in the ice body are examined. The modified ice massifs are the subject of inquiry. The paper offers a new method of ice decoration to investigate the ice structure both on the surface and in the volume; the method is based on the particularities of coloring substances localization during crystallization with their following redistribution. The basic criteria of choice of decorating compounds for ice investigation have been formulated in the paper. The results of using different types of colorants obtained by authors are cited. The image of the threedimensional structure of modified ice with a decorated intercrystalline space is given. A parallel between investigations of the solid body structure in metallurgy and at studying ice was drawn. For the first time the paper presents the approach to modeling heat and mass transfer in ice body using the visualization of the colorant migration. The original methods offered were applied in the framework of investigations supported by the Russian fund of fundamental investigations.

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Copyright (c) 2016 Goncharova G.Y., Ustyugova T.G.

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