O vazhnosti ucheta faktora L'yuisa v raschetakh protsessa isparitel'nogo okhlazhdeniya v apparatakh protivotochnogo tipa

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The author approach to calculation of the evaporation cooling process in the bank of tubes of apparatuses of refrigeration systems is presented. One of the particularities of the approach consists in the refuse of admission to be equal to the Lewis factor unit. It is established that the Lewis factor is a basic characteristic when analyzing the heat and mass exchange process; it allows explaining the character of the behavior of temperature and humid parameters of a waterair medium in the apparatus. The study carried out resulted in the offer to take into account the Lewis factor when calculating the coefficient of heat transfer from the wall outside towards the film of spraying water. Also it is offered to use the procedure based on taking into account enthalpies of humid air and spraying water in the apparatus as well as the information of the construction of the bank of tubes to define the quantity of heat transferred from a coolant (refrigerant) flowing in the coil of bank of tubes to a waterair mixture in the apparatus. The efficiency of organization of evaporation cooling processes in modern refrigeration systems was estimated.

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