Sovershenstvovanie tekhnologii khraneniya plodoovoshchnoy produktsii

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The article examines the results of works on optimization of the technology of fruits and vegetables transportation and storage under refrigeration conditions using systems of the continuous cold chain “fieldconsumer” (CCC). The perspective methods and conditions of prerefrigeration (using air, cryogenic agent, iceslurry etc.) as well as the role of species features of the vegetable raw material when choosing regulations of stages of the CCC were defined. The author paid attention to creating multivariant solutions of the technology of fruits and vegetables storage in modified atmosphere including the use of domestic polymeric packages with gas selective membranes. The efficiency of using cryogenic agents as well as carbon dioxide ice and nitrogen refrigeration systems at the stages of the CCC was considered. It was revealed that the quality of soft berries was kept better in containers refrigerated with carbon dioxide ice, but the quality of solid skin berries and fruits (for example plums) was kept better at liquid nitrogen system using. The analysis of perspective trends to process fruits and vegetables using ionizing radiation (gammarays, accelerated electrons) is given. The analysis of prospective trends of using the ionizing radiation processing of fruits and vegetables (gammarays, accelerated electrons) together with refrigeration processing and modified atmosphere to inhibit a pathogenic microflora, to regulate after harvest maturation processes, to reduce losses due to mass decrease and spoiling is given. The method also gives the possibility to prevent the formation of aflatoxins. The domestic technologies developed for refrigeration, transportation and storage of fruits and vegetables allow increasing the CCC efficiency and accordingly reducing losses of the fruit and vegetable produce 3-10 times. Keywords: continuous cold chain, duration of prerefrigeration of the product, modified atmosphere, package with gas selective membranes, cryogenic agents, ionized radiation processing of fruit and vegetable produce

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