Issledovanie sostava i soderzhaniya svobodnykh nukleotidov myasa KRS na razlichnykh etapakh kholodil'noy obrabotki i khraneniya

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The paper cites the results of study of the qualitative composition and quantitative content of free nucleotides of cattle meat (CM) obtained using the method of highly efficient liquid chromatography at different stages of refrigeration processing and storage. The concentration of free nucleotides in fresh and refrigerated meet as well as in meat raw materials stored in cooled and frozen states was defined. The speed and trends of changes of free nucleotides at different stages of cattle meat refrigeration processing and storage were identified. It was revealed that the speed of degradation of free nucleotides depended on the thermal state and storage life of meat raw materials, and the decay of free nucleosides was considerably revealed when meat was stored in refrigerated state. The speed of metabolism of free nucleotides and nucleosides of the animals’ muscular tissue after slaughter is tightly linked with the activity of dephosphorylation and deaminization enzymes. It is quite possible that the difference in speed of the inosine and hypoxanthine formation during refrigerated and frozen meat storage is linked with the specificity of the impact of low negative temperatures on the enzymes activity induced by transformation of water into ice. Keywords: meat, cooling treatment, nucleotides, nucleosides, high performance liquid chromatography.

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Copyright (c) 2016 Dibirasulaev M.A., Belozerov G.A., Arkhipov L.O., Shibanova E.D., Belyanchikova I.V.

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