Biologicheski aktivnye veshchestva tsikoriya salatnogo i kinetika ikh izmeneniya pri kholodil'nom khranenii

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The article presents the results of the study of biologically active substances (BAS) of chicory salad (endive) and the kinetics of their changes during cold storage. Chicory is a kind of perennial herbaceous plants of the genus chicory (Cichorium) of the family of asters (Asteraceae), which has therapeutic and preventive properties. Currently, various varieties of salad chicory Endivia are grown, which differ in the content of BAS and their resistance to external factors during storage. The aim of the study was to determine the content of reduced and reversible oxidized forms of ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds in various varieties of chicory salad and the kinetics of their changes during storage in a cooled state. The objects of the study selected are domestic varieties of salad chicory Chruzhevo, Elvira and Italian variety Kornetto K56, grown in the experimental areas of the Pavlovsk, experimental station VNIIR N.I. Vavilov. The varieties were stored at t = 3±1 °C. The content of ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds (spectrophotometric method) was determined during the refrigeration storage of chicory salad. Based on the research: biologically active substances were determined and kinetic dependences of changes in the content of ascorbic acid, the sum of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, phenol carboxylic acids, polymeric and condensed compounds were revealed depending on the duration of storage of chicory; the duration of storage at t = 3±1 оC of chicory salad varieties Elvira, Chruzhevoand Cornetto K56, providing maximum preservation of biologically active substances, was determined.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Klement'ev D.A., Kolodyaznaya V.S.

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