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Vol 107, No 3 (2018)

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pages 4-7 views

Dukh novatorstva pod markoy ECOTM

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Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(3):8-13
pages 8-13 views

Tekhnologii okhlazhdeniya v mirovoy ekonomike

Baranenko A.V.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(3):14-18
pages 14-18 views

K 25letiyu MAKh i 20letiyu zhurnala «Vestnik MAKh»

Laptev Y.A.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(3):19-21
pages 19-21 views

Stanovlenie Mezhdunarodnoy akademii kholoda v Kazakhstane

Tsoy A.P.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(3):22-23
pages 22-23 views

Monreal'skiy protokol - honoris causa

Tsvetkov O.B., Laptev Y.A., Mitropov V.V., Smaznova E.S., Trokhov E.S., Dzhuraev U.P., Pechko N.A.


The problems of refrigerants application in the context of their environmental impact are examined. The single most successful international agreement to date that is the Montreal Protocol on substances depleting the ozone layer was agreed 30 years ago in September, 1987. The Protocol included chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons in the list of controlled substances and attributed unequivocally the global ozone layer depletion registered since 1970, to the appearance of chlorine and bromine molecules in the Earth’s atmosphere. The prohibition of CFCs and halons entered into force on January 1, 1996. A routine phase out of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) is expected by 2030. An alternative decision to replace CFCs and HCFC22 is hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) that don’t deplete the ozone layer, but they have a rather high GWP. In the framework of the Kigali amendment of 2016 and in elaboration of the Paris climate agreement of 2015 an obligatory phase out of HFC production during subsequent 20 years has been adopted with the aim to prevent a catastrophic climate warming of our planet at least up to 0.5 degrees Celsius. As an alternative decision hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs) and mixtures of HFOs with HFCs are offered to replace HFCs (R134a, R404A, R410A and others). Pure hydrofluoroolefins practically don’t impact on the global warming, they are lowtoxic but firehazardous.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(3):24-29
pages 24-29 views

Perspektivnye khladagenty dlya kholodil'nogo oborudovaniya

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Как в климатической индустрии, так и в холодильной отрасли уделяется много внимания вопросам, связанным с хладагентами. Серьезную озабоченность вызывает резкое увеличение объемов парниковых выбросов, связанных с широким распространением гидрофторуглеродных хладагентов (ГФУ). Представители промышленности и государственных структур пытаются решить эту проблему, действуя сразу в нескольких направлениях. Предпринимаемые меры включают, в частности, увеличение использования рециклированных хладагентов для заправки действующего оборудования, снижение количества утечек, введение более строгих правил обращения с хладагентами. Одновременно с этим во всем мире ужесточаются требования, заставляющие холодильную индустрию ускорить переход на новые хладагенты с низким потенциалом глобального потепления.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(3):30-31
pages 30-31 views

Modelirovanie i otsenka radiatsionnogo faktora teplovogo komforta

Ryabova T.V., Sulin A.B., Rubtsov A.K., Kruglov O.I., Smirnov D.A.


Due to the fact that the radiation factor has a significant effect on thermal comfort, modeling of radiative heat exchange processes in rooms using the black ball thermometer method is considered. On the basis of the calculated expressions for the temperature of a black ball thermometer, as a function of the mean radiation temperature, generalized dependences are proposed for balls of standard diameters of 150, 120 and 90 mm in the air velocity range 0,1-0,5 m/s. A simulation model of a room with a black ball thermometer, which is verified by the results of the fullscale experiment, is proposed. The simulation model and the graphs of the dependences of the radiation factor indices allow to reliably predict the temperature of the black ball thermometer and, accordingly, the average radiation temperature, which has a significant effect on the thermal comfort in the room.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(3):32-37
pages 32-37 views

Optimizatsiya upravleniya kachestvom bystrozamorozhennykh gotovykh myasorastitel'nykh pishchevykh produktov

Dontsova N.T., Nitsenko T.P., Mashkova N.N.


Production of high quality quickfrozen meat-vegetable ready foods, particularly their keeping in such a good state during a long period of time is an important and huge task. The customers have different requirements to quantity of ready meat foods including meatvegetable ones as well as to their qualitative characteristics, composition, safety, absence of harmful chemically synthesized inorganic substances, additives in compounding. The quality is regulated by specified standards and sanitary and hygienic requirements to ready foods. Freezing is the most effective method to preserve products quality, but specified rules should be observed to prevent reducing the ready product quality during all stages of production beginning from raw material selection, preparation for freezing, freezing process up to storage and consumption. Such rules observing provides preserving a ready quick frozen product quality right up to its consumption optimally.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(3):38-41
pages 38-41 views


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Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(3):42-45
pages 42-45 views
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Kholodil'noe oborudovanie na vystavke «Mir klimata 2018»

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Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(3):50-55
pages 50-55 views

Doklad predsedatelya Pravleniya Rossoyuekholodproma Yu.N.Dubrovina na torzhestvennom sobranii, posvyashchennom 15-letiyu Rossoyuzkholodproma

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2 марта 2018 г. состоялось торжественное собрание, посвященное 15летию Россоюзхолодпрома, на котором присутствовали представители компаний и учебных заведений со всей России, а также руководители холодильных ассоциаций Казахстана и Белоруссии. На собрании был заслушан отчетный доклад председателя Правления Россоюзхолодпрома. По итогам его обсуждения было принято решение Общего собрания РСХП. Руководству ряда компаний - членов РСХП были вручены награды Минпромторга (дипломы о присвоении звания «Почетный машиностроитель», Почетные грамоты и благодарности Минпромторга). Было также проведено вручение высшей награды Россоюзхолодпрома - «Свидетельства общественного признания особых заслуг», Почетных грамот и Благодарностей Россоюзхолодпрома. По окончании официальной части юбилейных торжеств состоялся дружеский ужин.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(3):56-57
pages 56-57 views


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Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(3):58-59
pages 58-59 views

Novye patenty Rossii po kholodil'noy tekhnike i teplovym nasosam

Rukavishnikov A.M.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(3):60-64
pages 60-64 views

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