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Vol 108, No 9 (2019)


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Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(9):6-10
pages 6-10 views
pages 11-12 views

Itogi 25-go Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa po kholodu

Komarova N.I.


C 24 по 30 августа 2019 г. в прекрасном Дворце конгрессов в Монреале (Канада) под девизом «Холод для здоровья человека и будущего процветания» состоялся очередной 25й Международный конгресс по холоду, который собрал более 850 делегатов из 45 стран со всех континентов для обсуждения достижений и проблем во всех областях производства и применения искусственного холода. Были представлены 17 ключевых докладов (которые предваряли каждое техническое заседание), один пленарный доклад, на секциях заслушаны 534 доклада, 72 представлены в виде стендовых (постеры). Отдельно была выделена тема «Устойчивые и высокоэффективные здания», по которой заслушано 11 докладов. Проведено 9 семинаров, 10 заседаний членов научнотехнических комиссий и рабочих групп. Успешному проведению конгресса способствовала его поддержка спонсорами: FRASCOLD, TOURISM/MONTREAL (бриллиантовые спонсоры); Cemafroid, EMERSON, Fonds de rechesche Santé - Québec, Hydro Québec, Johnson Controls, STAR Refrigeration (золотые спонсоры); Arneg, Chemours, DAIKIN, Danfoss, JARN the NEWS, EPEE, Epta, globalFACT, Honeywell, MATELEX, Schecco (серебряные спонсоры). Cеминары были организованы при спонсорской поддержке компаний globalFACT, Danfoss. На своих стендах в зале Инновэйшн театр представили свою продукцию компании: ATMOsphere (Shecco), Espace Hydro Québec; Cemafroid - IEA Heat Pump Centre; CTi - Calibration Technologies Inc.; Elsevier (Международный журнал по холоду); International Copper Association; Emerson Commercial & Residential Solutions; Matelex Frascold S.p.a; STAR Refrigeration Ltd. От Российской Федерации в конгрессе приняли участие 10 представителей из следующих организаций: Всероссийский научноисследовательский институт холодильной промышленности (ВНИХИ) - филиал ФГБНУ «ФНЦ пищевых систем им. В.М. Горбатова» РАН; Московский государственный технический университет им. Н.Э. Баумана; ФГБОУ «Московский государственный университет пищевых производств»; Центральный научноисследовательский институт «КУРС». Всего от нашей страны в программу было включено 11 докладов, представлено 10 (8 устных и 2 стендовых).
Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(9):13-21
pages 13-21 views

Kompressornye ustanovki COOLTECH v blochnomodul'nom ispolnenii

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Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(9):22-23
pages 22-23 views
pages 24-26 views

Vybor temperaturnogo napora v teploobmennikakh

Shishov V.V.
Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(9):27-31
pages 27-31 views

Rezul'taty tekhnicheskoy diagnostiki nasosnoy sistemy TR50-230/4

Pundik M.A., Sidorov V.A., Karnaukh V.V., Kuleshov D.K.


The objective of the work is a methodological unification of features of diagnostics of a mechanical part of the air conditioning and ventilation pumping system applying vibration check methods of technical state. The overview of technical literature that structures the features of mechanisms diagnosing using GOST ISO 1816197 was carried out. Practical examples of analysis of a vibration acceleration spectrogram are cited. Permissible meansquare values of vibration acceleration at diagnostics of the ТR50230/4 pumping aggregate are shown.
Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(9):32-35
pages 32-35 views

Osnovy i perspektivy primeneniya passivnogo radiatsionnogo okhlazhdeniya

Dzhenblat S., Volkova O.V.


Recently, much attention has been paid to passive radiation cooling in clear sky by radiation into space. Providing continuous day and night cooling from a renewable energy source radiation cooling became an urgent theme of study. The use of this technology to cool buildings allows increasing their energy efficiency. The article presents an overview of scientific foundations of radiation cooling and basic researches on the emitter structures in order to cool residential buildings as well as agroindustrial complex objects and sports facilities in the day and night time.
Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(9):36-44
pages 36-44 views

Povyshenie sokhrannosti shampin'onov fizicheskimi metodami obrabotki

Shishkina N.S., Fedyanina N.I., Karastoyanova O.V., Levshenko M.T., Korovkina N.V., Petrov A.N.


The efficiency of a complex technology of cold storage of champignons using ultraviolet radiation treatment together with accelerated electrons in combination with gaseous medium was examined. The regimes retarding maturation processes, decreasing microbiological contamination, keeping quality and hence, prolonging expiration date up to 10-20 days were identified.
Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(9):45-50
pages 45-50 views

Sovershenstvovanie i analiz protsessov nizkotemperaturnoy obrabotki ovoshchnykh smesey

Korotkiy I.A., Sakhabutdinova G.F.


The mode of freezing vacuum packed vegetable mixtures with preliminary light freezing on the grid and final freezing on the metal plate was studied. The advantages of this method consist in minimization of a product contamination by pathogenic microorganisms during packaging as well as in increasing a product shelf life due to a packet evacuation. The experimental curves of vegetable mixture freezing were plotted. The duration of the process (113 min) and its speed (1.25 cm/h) were identified. A graphanalytic thermal method of calculation of a vegetable mixture freezing duration for a combined freezing method was offered. The results obtained are as follows: the thickness of the layer frozen in the cold air flow is 5.7 mm, on the metal plate - 19.3 mm. The process duration defined as a result of the theoretical calculation was 111 minutes that showed the correctness of the calculation application. An energy efficiency of the process in the range of air motion speeds of 1-3 m/s in a quickfreezing chamber was analyzed. During experiment the air flow speed was 1.5 m/s. It was optimal for a combined freezing method that was hereafter proved by the energetic analysis. The combined method of freezing and the graphanalytic method of calculation of the process duration may be used in fruitvegetable industry.
Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(9):51-55
pages 51-55 views

Novye patenty Rossii po kholodil'noy tekhnike i teplovym nasosam

Rukavishnikov A.M.


Способ обработки магнитореологической жидкоститеплоносителя* Патент РФ № 2644900, заявка от 24.03.2016 г., начало срока действия патента 24.03.2016 г., опубликовано 14.02.2018 г., бюл. № 5. Авторы: М.Л. Галкин, Л.С. Генель. Патентообладатель: М.Л. Галкин.
Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(9):56-64
pages 56-64 views

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