
R404A (FX70) refrigerant and retrofit of refrigeration systems running on R502
Babakin S.
Some aspects of the development of domestic refrigeration technology
Tagantsev O.
Application of a regenerative heat exchanger in the refrigeration cycle
Shishov V., Khodakova N., Mikhailov A., Rakitin D.
Alternative domestic and commercial refrigeration equipment based on water-ammonia absorption-diffusion refrigeration machines
Titlov A.
Refrigeration cycle analysis on natural refrigerants - substitutes for R12, R13 and R22
Belyaeva O., Grebenkov A., Timofeev B.
Fishery complex of the Murmansk region: renunciation of the use of ozone-depleting substances in perspective
Editorial B.
Refrigeration service with ozone-safe refrigerants
Editorial B.
Experimental study of the cooling system of a domestic refrigerator
Kalnin I., Fadekov K.
Development of Air Conditioning Systems
Babakin B., Belozerov G., Suchkov A., Babakin S.
Range of application of heat pump systems on various natural refrigerants
Maslikova S., Krotov A., Kosenko G., Maziakin M.
Technical means for detecting freon leaks from refrigeration systems
Babakin B., Pleshanov S.
Ammonia - working substance of refrigeration machines
Krasnomovets P., Mnatsakanov G., Bakum E.
Supermarket refrigeration systems with natural refrigerants
Koptelov K.
IKK-2002: Electronics, new materials and refrigerants in refrigeration engineering
Velyukhanov V.
Atofina refrigerants for retrofit of refrigeration equipment
Editorial B.
Refrigeration agents: The 20th Century and the Great Refrigeration Revolution
Tsvetkov O.
Natural refrigerants are favored by the future
Ponomarev V., Talyzin M.
Replacement of ozone depleting substances used as refrigerants
Morley J., Markina T.
Prospects and problems of application of hydrocarbons as refrigerants
Zhelezny V., Khlieva O., Bykovets N.
What is waiting for refrigerating technique in the XXI century
Kalnin I.
Choice of hydrocarbons as refrigerants
Belyaeva O., Grebenkov A., Timofeev B.
The use of domestic refrigerant mixtures for the retrofit of refrigeration machines with centrifugal compressors
Sukhomlinov I., Golovin M., Slavutsky D., Saveleva I., Timofeev B., Belyaeva O.
Alternative refrigerants - selection strategy
Mazur V.
Smesevye khladagenty na osnove GFO
Babakin B., Babakin S., Borshchev G.
Prospects for the development of refrigerant technology
Kuznetsov I.
Refrigerants, oils, refrigeration system service
Babakin B.
Refrigerants - past, present and future
Pearson F.
Klimaticheskie dominanty al'ternativ GKhFU-khladagentov
Tsvetkov O.
Refrigerants, oils, refrigeration system service
Babakin B.
Cold in the Service of Humanity - Contribution of the International Institute of Refrigeration
Billard F.
Natural refrigerants as an alternative to global warming
Tsvetkov O., Laptev Y.
Pressure-enthalpy diagram for a real working fluid R134a/Castrol Icematic SW22
Zheleznyy V.
Prospects and problems of application of hydrocarbons as refrigerants
Zhelezny V., Khlieva O., Bykovets N.
Management of refrigerants and CFC destruction technology
Zhelezny V., Khlieva O.
Dupont Seminar in Moscow
Smyslov V.
Gibridnaya sistema dlya supermarketov s primeneniem khladagentov s nizkim potentsialom global'nogo potepleniya
Rinne F., Minor B., Salem K.
Sleduyushchee pokolenie khladagentov
Kalm D.
Rabochie veshchestva tekhniki nizkikh temperatur v kontekste trekh klimaticheskikh soglasheniy
Tsvetkov O., Laptev Y.
Gibridnaya sistema dlya supermarketov s primeneniem khladagentov s nizkim potentsialom global'nogo potepleniya
Rinne F., Minor B., Salem K.
Tendentsii razvitiya sudovoy kholodil'noy tekhniki
Birin S.
Postparizhskie sindromy ustoychivogo razvitiya tekhniki nizkikh temperatur
Tsvetkov O., Laptev Y.
Programmnye i apparatnye sredstva sistemy upravleniya slivom zhidkogo geliya
Ageev A., Alferov V., Kozub S., Stolyarov M.
Otsenka parametrov kholodil'nykh turboagregatov proizvodstva OAO «Kazan'kompressormash»
Khisameev I., Sukhomlinov I., Golovin M., Safiullin A.
Sovershenstvovanie tekhnologii khraneniya plodoovoshchnoy produktsii
Shishkina N.
Entropiyno-statisticheskiy analiz klassicheskikh kholodil'nykh tsiklov dlya sistem konditsionirovaniya
Arkharov A., Shishov V.
Atmosfernaya vyazkost' azeotropnykh smesey gazoobraznykh CFC,HCFC, HFCi FCklassov khladagentov
Tsvetkov O., Laptev Y.
Kondensatsiya R32/R134a v tekhnologii teplonasosnogo teplosnabzheniya
Ogurechnikov L.
Smesevye khladagenty gruppy GFU
Babakin B., Voronin M., Vygodin V., Belozerov A., Babakin S.
Prirodnye khladagenty v HVAC&R-industrii. Izuchenie mirovogo rynka i ego tendentsiy
Burhenne N., Chasserot M.
Raschetnye kharakteristiki pri kipenii neazeotropnykh smesey v isparitele parokompressionnogo teplovogo nasosa
Ogurechnikov L.
Smesevye khladagenty gruppy GFU
Babakin B., Voronin M., Vygodin V., Belozerov A., Babakin S.
Khladagenty i okruzhayushchaya sreda
Tsvetkov O.
Obzor rezul'tatov 10-letnego issledovaniya snizheniya zapravki khladagentom malykh teplonasosnykh ustanovok
Pal'm B.
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